Airport Rotary Foundation

Each year the Airport Rotary Foundation holds an annual auction to fund scholarships for deserving students to continue their education and training.  Over the past 27 years, we have awarded $1,246,150 to provide scholarships for 953 students from ten local high schools to attend college. Last year, we distributed $119,500 to 40 high school seniors ($2000 each) and 38 continuing college students ($1000 each).  Unique to this scholarship program is the opportunity for continuing college students to re-apply for scholarship funds a maximum of three times to help them earn their Bachelor’s Degree. Students may also attend a trade or training school; however, all trade schools, colleges, or universities must be in the State of Oregon. Our graduating high school seniors still have priority as the first funded scholarships; however, we attempt to fund as many returning college students as possible with the remaining monies.

Our service area includes high schools in Lane County (Crow, Early College and Career Options (ECCO), Elmira, Junction City, Kalapuya, North Eugene, Triangle Lake, and Willamette), Linn County (Harrisburg), and Benton County (Monroe). Four of the high schools are in the metro area of Eugene while the remaining six are in the rural areas of all three counties.

 Each student goes through an application procedure including an essay that is judged by a committee of Rotarians.  Decisions are based upon the student’s financial need, service to the community, career goals, and academic achievements.  The Airport Rotary Foundation presents the scholarships at a breakfast meeting in late spring when we honor the students, their parents, and their advisors and/or counselors.  Our goal is to continue honoring these students’ achievements and supporting their career paths in college or a training program. 


2023 Recipients




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